Strange Wilderness (2008)


Konusu:Ratingleri düşmekte olan, 'vahşilik' temalı bir televizyon
programını ayağa kaldırmak için harekete geçen iki hayvansever yola çıkarlar.

Yonetmen: Fred Wolf

Strange Wilderness Konusu: Vahsi yasam ile ilgili TV showlari gunden gune
kan kaybeden 2 hayvansever Andes dagina Buyuk Ayagi(BigFoot) bulmaya giderler.

Genel Bilgiler: Ulkesi : ABD, Dili: Ingilizce,

Uyarilar: Filmde uyusturucu kullanilan sahneler, argo bir
dil, ve sex ile ilgili yogun konusmalar, sakalar var. ABD ‘de bu film icin 17
yas altinin izlemesi yasaklanmis

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Sınır Bölgesi - Borderland (2008)



Meksika abd sınırında uyuşturucu ekimii yapan aztek tanrılarına tapan kült bir
çete, polisler(kısacası güvenlik güçleri) kendilerini bulmasın diye tanrılara
kurban adayıp, insan kanı, gözü, kulağı, kulağı, dili, anlıyacağınız tüm
uzuvlarıyla büyü yapmaktadır. yıllar önce mesiko city’de çetenin malikansini
basan polis ikilisinden ulises, o gün orada yaşadıklarını asla unutamamaktadır
ve çetenin peşini bırakmamakta kararlıdır. ama ne var ki sınr polisi ulises’i ve
kanıtlarını görmezden gelip olayı unutmasını salık verir ulises’e. polis bu kan
emici çeteden çok ama çok korkmaktadır, evet.

bu arada ise teksas’da bir gençlik kampında sıkılan üç amerikan genciden oluşan
bir grup eğlenmek için meksika tarafına geçerler. biraz eğlendikten sonra daha
önce meksiko city’de ulises’in ortağının kolunu kesip, iki gözünü çıkaran
psikopat gustavo, üçlüden birini gözüne kestirir. ve onu kaçırır. bu çetenin
gizemiyle beraeber kaçırılan arkadaşlarını arayan ikilimiz, tahmin
edemeyecekleri korkularla karşı karşıya kalırlar. tanrıların uyuşturucu
ektikleri tarlaları polisten koruduğuna, kendilerini ölümsüz ve kurşun geçirmez
yaptığına, kimi zaman görünmez yaptığına inanan çete üyeleri deli gibi kan
akıtıyorlar. filme içerdiği vahşet ve kandan dolayı 10 üzerinde 8.3 veriyorum.
izlemenizi tavsiye

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21 - Yirmibir (2008)


Konusu:M.I.T'de okuyan Ben Campbell, okul taksidini ödeyebilmek için
paraya ihtiyaç duyar ve bunun yolunu da kumarda bulur. Altı arkadaşı ile
birlikte kart sayma işinde uzmanlaşan Ben, Vegas yolunu tutar. Bu altı
öğrenci için herşey güzel başlayacaktır, ancak bir sonraki adımları onlar
için oldukça tehlikelidir.

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O Kadın


Konusu:Yeşim (Selin Demiratar), kariyer sahibi ve varlıklı bir moda
tasarımcısıdır. İşadamı Bülent (Burak Hakkı) ile uzun zamandır süregelen
beraberlikleri evlilikle sonuçlanmak üzere iken, Okan’la (Tardu Flordun)
karşılaşır. Bir müzisyen olan Okan’ın sınır tanımaz özgürlük anlayışı Yeşim’i
cezbeder. Nokta konamayan ilişkiler ağı, üç insanın hayatını bilinmeyen bir
kadere sürükler.Aşk ve acı arasındaki ince çizgiyi çarpıcı görüntü ve
diyaloglarla anlatan film, Sezen Aksu şarkıları ekseninde işleniyor.

Büyük Ekran izle>>>

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Shi Reeves [facialcumtargets - she wanted my warm]

Shi Reeves [facialcumtargets]
This whore was just asking for it....she wanted my warm jizz all over her face and Ive been taking these maximum pills which give your cumshots that extra kick, so she was in for a surprise. After nibbling on my cock for a bit, all that pent up juices were unloaded on her face. She looked like a finely glazed donut afterwards.
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Lady Armani suck white cock [facialcumtargets]

Lady Armani [facialcumtargets]
Lady Armani is a hot black slut with a track record of being one of the best cock suckers in the west. I put that record to the test as I volunteered my cock to her wet mouth. She sucked like a champ and I have to give her props for her sucking abilities because she is one of the few that can suck a man's cock like a production model Hoover Vacuum. In the end, I awarded her face with a nice huge load, to thank her for her fine work.

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Whore #138: Ginger Blaze 2 (midnightprowl)

Ginger is a hot red headed slut who forgoes her dreams and aspirations of being a political figurehead in favor of being a dirty rotten whore. She came to us asking for some work and naturally we took her on the prowl. We threw her in the back of a van and took her down the alley of dreams, as we picked up a few select individuals who would be entertaining Ginger tonight....and when i say select what I really mean is guys who haven't touched a woman since Watergate.

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Jessica Valentino (facialcumtargets)


Jessica is a hot 18 year old slut who's so eager to suck cock and please. When she got in the room, she wasted no time as she stripped down to her birthday suit and started gobbling on my cock. She sucked and sucked and sucked like I never seen before. I had to thank her for that might blowjob by splattering a huge load on her face!

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Faith Daniels (povcastingcouch)

Faith is a feisty little teen that I met at the local community college. She was looking at the bulletin board when I came by and told her about a new opportunity in my 'new movie'. I schoomezd her with tales of being the next big thing and withing two blinks of an eye, she was back at my place sucking and fucking my cock and thanking me for the wonderful opportunity that I would never give her...hehehehe.

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Claire James (facialcumtargets)

Claire has a face that just screams innocent. Too bad for her we're gonna ruin it and just splatter her face with a huge mess of sticky cum. But before that we let her nibble on a cock to warm her facial muscles for the impending carnage. After sucking on some cock, this whore got all worked up and horny and just wanted it so badly that we gave it to her....all over her cute face!

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Whore #139: Cassandra Calogera 2 (midnightprowl)


Cassandra Calogera is a hot fucking whore with the hugest natural tits you will ever encounter. Looking at her tits, you kind of getting hypnotized by their motion when she sways back and forth. Anyways she was looking to purchase a new Gucci purse and because she recently parted ways with her sugar daddy, she needed another way to come up with the funds for that purse...What better way to come up with the dough then by whoring herself out and fucking and sucking random strangers cocks... Cassandra is not afraid to get her hands dirty when it comes to making money... and when I say dirty, What I really mean is having random dudes cum on you like your were a human cum receptacle.

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Whore #139: Cassandra Calogera 1 (midnightprowl)

Cassandra Calegrone is a hot fucking whore with the hugest natural tits you will ever encounter. Looking at her tits, you kind of getting hypnotized by their motion when she sways back and forth. Anyways she was looking to purchase a new Gucci purse and because she recently parted ways with her sugar daddy, she needed another way to come up with the funds for that purse...What better way to come up with the dough then by whoring herself out and fucking and sucking random strangers cocks...Cassandra is not afraid to get her hands dirty when it comes to making money....and when I say dirty, What I really mean is having random dudes cum on you like your were a human cum recepticle.

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Arial Alexis (

Arial is a hot black slut who loves cock like no other. She loves the way it taste, the way it feels in her mouth and of course the warm gooey surprise that it dispels. She worked on that cock like a rabid animal and for her wonderful efforts....a nice warm fat load on her cute face.

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